Kids Teeth Park West Slide

Can a visit to the dentist be like a visit to the playground?

In celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month, we’re sharing how a trip to the dentist be similar to a visit to the playground! We understand that these two things may sound a little funny together, but we think you’ll be surprised by just how many similarities they share. We also know that not all dentists are created equal but a trip to Kids Teeth is always extra special. Now let’s figure out how these items relate:


Kids Teeth Indoor Playground1. Sildes

Kids love to visit the park and slide down the fastest slide but how does sliding relate to dental care? Because just like a slide at the playground, you want your child’s teeth to always be slippery. Slippery teeth means food residue will slide right off instead of sitting on their teeth all day long. To make your child’s teeth slippery, brush them twice a day, once AFTER breakfast and a second time before they go to bed. At Kids Teeth, we have all the tools to make your child’s teeth slippery and indoor playgrounds equipped with slides at each Mt. Pleasant location.

how to floss2. Hide & Seek

Playgrounds offer tons of great hiding spots, but did you know so does your child’s mouth? Germs are too small to see and they like to hide between your child’s teeth. When teeth don’t get flossed regularly, food sits between those teeth and can form cavities over time. Flossing once a day prevents hidden germs from sitting on their teeth for days, weeks, or even months. We’re challenging you and your child to become hide & seek masters by helping them floss once a day, EVERYDAY!

3. Water

Every trip to the playground and dentist should involve water. Why? As you know at the dentist we use water (aka Mr. Squirty) to rinse away germs during your child’s dental cleaning. At the playground, water not only hydrates your body, it also washes aways germs and food residue in your mouth when you can’t brush. So if you’ve taken a snack to the park, pack your child’s water bottle. The less time extra food and/or a sugary drink sits on your child’s teeth, the better!

Want to learn more or check out our indoor playground for yourself? Give us a call and schedule your child’s next dental cleaning.

Schedule an appointment at Kids Teeth